` Dental Sealants For Children Aged 6-18 - Al Bahri Dental and Orthodontic Center
Dental Sealants For Children Aged 6-18

Dental Sealants For Children Aged 6-18

Here is what you need to know about dental sealants.

  • Dental Sealant is a composite material that’s placed in the grooves of permanent teeth to prevent any food impaction within them and the development of cavities.
  • Dental sealants are ideally placed right when the permanent teeth come out, typically age 6-14. That’s why regular 6-month check-ups are so important.

See article: Essential Dental visits for children aged 6-12 years.

  • Studies have found that sealants are about 80-90% effective after one year and about 55-85% effective after 8-10 years.
  • During your child’s regular check-ups, our dentists will let you know if the dental sealant is still intact, if it is, there is no need for it to be replaced. However dental sealants tend to stay intact for many years.

Written by:

Dr. Rami Albahri DDS, MMSc.


Prosthodontics and Implant Surgeon.

Harvard & NYU Educated.

Medical Director.



For consultations contact us

Abu Dhabi – +971 2 575 1856

Al Ain – +971 3 7643273

Email: info@albahridental.com

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