` Is Invisalign Right for you? - Al Bahri Dental and Orthodontic Center
Is Invisalign Right for you?

Is Invisalign Right for you?

Invisalign is a great incognito choice for someone looking for an expertise & Best Dentist In Abu Dhabi planning to get their teeth aligned and straight then we are the right choice for you.

See Article: What Are Clear Aligners & Invisalign

Utilizing clear aligner technologies like Invisalign, you can accomplish typical routines like brushing and flossing. But you should be aware that not all dentists can provide Invisalign treatment, there is a certification that Invisalign provides when you complete a certain number of cases where you can find that in all the Abu Dhabi dentist clinics

Is Invisalign right for you? 

Orthodontist typically undergoes postgraduate training and education after dental college, and they provide unique tailored treatment plans when utilizing such aligner technologies. They undergo an in-depth analysis of various elements like the extent of teeth misalignment and the condition of your jaws and facial muscles to develop the best suitable Invisalign treatment plan. They ensure to prepare and plan accordingly to solve the underlying cause of the current orthodontic condition and avoid any failures that might result in headaches, gum, or TMJ issues. Once the treatment begins, they monitor it to ensure the proper progress of the treatment.

Our best dentist in Al Ain uses their education and experience to safely move the teeth and guide the jaw, and facial developments to get the exact idea of when one should undergo Invisalign treatment.

Children and teenagers experience drastic facial growth and development that can impact orthodontic treatment. A professional and well-trained Orthodontist In Abu Dhabi uses this knowledge to work out his orthodontic treatment plan at the ideal time for the best outcome. Hence the patient gets to complete their Invisalign Treatment within less duration and cost at the right time.

At Al Bahri Dental and Orthodontic Center, Invisalign treatments are done by our Invisalign Specialists Orthodontists to ensure you get the ideal result that is suitable for you.

If you’re interested in starting our journey together to a straight and beautiful smile, contact us at Abu Dhabi – +971 2 575 1856 (Abu Dhabi) or +971 3 7643273 (Al-Ain) or Book online at https://albahridental.com/appointment/   with our Specialist Orthodontists.


Written by:

Dr. Rami Albahri DDS, MMSc.


Prosthodontics and Implant Surgeon.

Harvard & NYU Educated.

Medical Director.

Dr. Rami Albahri- Prosthodontics and Implant Surgeon 


For consultations contact us

Abu Dhabi – +971 2 575 1856

Al Ain – +971 3 7643273

Email: info@albahridental.com


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